
New Fibre Market Panorama 2021 Revealed

Source: FTTH Council Europe / Raftel

Iceland leads the European FTTH/B league table second year in a row

Brussels, 12 May 2021 – Today the FTTH Council Europe revealed the 2021 Market Panorama and the latest figures outlining fibre deployment trends in Europe prepared by IDATE.

New Fibre Market Panorama 2021 data presented by FTTH Council Europe reveal:

• Number of homes passed by fibre (FTTH/B) reaches nearly 183 million homes in EU39;

• France, Italy, Germany and the UK have the biggest increase in Europe in number of homes passed;

• Three countries are accounting for almost 60% of homes left to be passed with fibre in the EU27+UK region;

• FTTH/B Coverage in Europe surpasses more than half of total homes;

• 16.6% growth in the number of fibre subscribers;

• Iceland leads the European FTTH/B league table second year in a row;

• Belgium, Israel, Malta and Cyprus enter the FTTH/B ranking for the first time.